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📦 Package app

In this section we will cover how to package app for production. After following the steps the generated installer will be placed at Electron/release/build.

1. Update global.ts client data

export const songArchitecture: SongArchitecture = SongArchitecture.BLOB_ARCHITECTURE;

Update production backend url

❗ Set backend url path without trailing /

export const backendBaseUrl: string = '';

2. Build the app


npm run build

3. Package the app

  • Packaging for MacOS can be only done from a native system
  • From linux you can package the app for AppImage and deb format, and Windows if wine is installed

Native host

Packages app for native system format

npm run package

Linux host


npm run package:linux:appimage

An .AppImage file will be generated. If there's any error while trying to open the app try this:

sudo apt install libfuse2 &&
cd release/build/ &&
chmod 777 {generated-app-name}.AppImage &&
./{generated-app-name}.AppImage --no-sandbox


An .exe will be generated

npm run package:win
Deb (not working)
npm run package:linux:deb