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🧪 Testing principles


  • Implement features in a way that they can be testable.
  • Try to use as few mocks as possible, it will help us test the actual behaviour of all the app components.

Testing Principles

These are the principles that our tests have to follow:

  • Automation: Tests must be able to be carried out without manual intervention.
  • Repeatable: They must be repeatable any number of times, yielding the same results. This includes not persisting data that could influence other tests.
  • Independence: Each test must be able to run independently, without depending on the results of other tests or functions.
  • Executable in any environment: A test suite should be executable on any machine regardless of the environment.
  • Coverage: Tests must cover the majority of the code.

Testing Methodology


  • Purpose: This phase involves setting up the necessary preconditions and state before executing the actual test.
  • Actions:
    • Initialize any objects or resources required for the test.
    • Set up test data or environment variables.
    • Establish connections to databases or external services if needed.
  • Example: Before testing a function that calculates a result based on input data, you might initialize the function parameters and set up any mock objects or fixtures necessary for the test.


  • Purpose: This phase involves the actual execution of the test case.
  • Actions:
    • Invoke the code or function under test with the prepared input.
    • Execute the specific functionality being tested.
  • Example: Execute the function with the initialized parameters and capture the output or behavior that the test is evaluating.


  • Purpose: This phase verifies whether the behavior or output of the executed code matches the expected result.
  • Actions:
    • Compare the actual output or behavior of the executed code against the expected outcome.
    • Use assertions to check conditions that must be true for the test to pass.
    • Raise failures or errors if the actual result does not match the expected result.
  • Example: Check that the result returned by the function matches the expected output based on the input parameters.


  • Purpose: This phase cleans up resources or state after the test has been executed, ensuring a clean environment for subsequent tests.
  • Actions:
    • Release any resources acquired during the setup phase.
    • Reset or revert any changes made to the environment during the test execution.
    • Close connections to databases or external services.
  • Example: Reset global variables, close open files, or clean up temporary data created during the test execution.